Straight road (a typical scenery of Hokkaido)

Milk Road

One of the typical landscapes of Hokkaido is a straight road.

The up down road like Milk Road is a common landscape.
But the visible length of such road is about 2-3 km, not so long.

The longest straight road is root 12 of 29.2km between Takigawa City and Bibai city.
However, we can not see and feel the length of the road.
We need helicopter to see the straight road.

We will show the spots where you can see and feel the straight roads.

Road to the sky

"Road to the sky"
Root 334 and root 244 and farm road.
Total 27 km straight section.
We can see the road from east end of the road.
There is observation point.

This road is too long to see the whole length at once.

Road to heaven

Map is here.
This road was selected as one of "100 moment of impression in Hokkaido".
Snow may not remove in winter.

MAPCODE:642 561 459

"Straight road"
Local root 857.
From mountain side, about 14 km length to Okhotsk sea.

Straight road
Straight road

In winter, sea ice will enhance the scenery.

Map is here.

Town homepage

MAPCODE:444 387 350

Straight road near POLARIS

There is a straight road near POLARIS.

Less than 10 min from POLARIS.

Road length is about 6 km.

MAPCODE:731 535 420